Meir Statman - A Renegade in Personal Finance
Meir Statman
Legendary thinker, author, professor, and consultant in the world of behavioral finance, Meir Statman, joins Matt Hall in this episode to discuss his work and personal stories of how taking the long view has paid off.
Read the full transcript here.
About Meir Statman
Meir Statman, the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University, where his research focuses on how investors and managers make financial decisions and how these decisions are reflected in financial markets. Meir’s work has been published widely including The Journal of Finance, Financial Analysts Journal, The Journal of Portfolio Management, The Wall Street Journal, and many other publications. Mr. Statman has received numerous awards for his research, including three Graham and Dodd Awards and the Matthew McArthur Industry Pioneer Award. Meir has written several books, including Finance for Normal People and his most recent, Behavioral Finance: The Second Generation. Dr. Statman earned his PhD from Columbia University and his BA and MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Key Topics
Intro (00:06)
Overconfident investors (1:20)
Diversification (3:47)
Socially responsible investing (6:47)
Being transparent about money (14:05)
Buying lottery tickets and small odds (15:32)
Meir’s long view story (21:12)
Disciplined saving (25:09)
Being a renegade in finance (31:57)
Mier’s next book (34:48)
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